February 2024

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 7th, 6:30pm to attend our February Shared Blessings meeting, at Midwest Food Bank located at 9005 N. Industrial Rd. in Peoria. Our donations will go to the Porch Pantry founded by Charles and Kelli Martin. The Porch Pantry started in March of 2020 with a small table of food and household goods at Martins’ home for their neighbors. It is now a 501c3 organization with 2-3 thousand followers on Facebook. The Porch Pantry provides unopened, unused products including milk, breads, canned goods, non-perishable food (pasta, cereal, crackers, etc.) paper products, soaps, and toiletries.

If you can attend, please bring the following for the pot-luck meal. Drinks, utensils, plates, and napkins will be provided.
A-I: Dessert J-R: Salad or Appetizer S-Z: Entrée

If you can’t attend but would like to donate to this cause, please send a check for at least $35.00 made out to Shared Blessings, and mail to Shared Blessings, P.O. Box 3215, Peoria, IL 61612. We will then mail one check to the Porch Pantry.

Please RSVP if you can attend by February 4th at sharedblessingspeoria@gmail,com.

Optional Wish List-Non-perishable food, paper products, soaps, laundry detergent, toiletries, gift cards to Walmart.